My first blog post! ART F200X

Hello! My name is Laney Millar and I am currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in biological sciences at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. I am in my junior year of college, hoping I will graduate next year on time... I've switched my major around a few times, but I've always had a love for nature and the outdoors so I think this degree is going to be the best fit for me! I am doing college online since I live in Anchorage. I am part-time working at a local coffee hut called Heavenly Cup. I've been with them for a year and a half, but I've been working in coffee for almost three years! I love my job since I get to be creative when I make drinks, I enjoy the interaction with different customers, and having my routine here makes me feel orderly and organized, which is something I need when I start to feel unproductive. One way I get into my groove working at the coffee hut is by listening to music. Music for me is the gateway to bein...