Romantic Era - Impressionism & Realism

Romantic Era - The Romantic era began approximately in 1770 but its peak period was from 1800 to 1850. This era was all about using their imagination in different forms of art in order to show what’s going on in their life or in the world at the time. So many different art forms are used to express what was going on in the Romantic era, the two styles that I chose is realism and impressionism. What is Realism? Realism is an artistic movement that began around the 1840s. This art style focuses on accurately creating art that is realistic and truthful. Artists that use realism in their work, their subject is typically about the lower/working class and the struggles that they encounter in order to show a truthful life. What is Impressionism? Impressionism began in the 1860s, but took off in the 19th century. This type of art is distinguished by small thin brushstrokes and it’s purpose is to highlight light in the painting in order to depict emotion. A great exam...